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{Hers} Happy Monday + Thank you!

September 19, 2011
Some of you were aware that my brother went to the emergency room Saturday night.  My brother has been in and out of the hospital numerous times over the past few years and as a little boy spent a lot of time hospitalized.  I always refer to him as our miracle! Although he often drives me crazy as little brothers tend to do, I love him so much and couldn’t imagine life without him.  We been through so much in our 20 something years of life often going through it together.
My heart was so touched by the tweets, messages, and comments I received from people sending hugs to my brother (and me and my family), letting him know that they were praying for him and sending good thoughts his way.  Being that he was up North it was especially difficult knowing that he was at the hospital alone when in the past each time he was at the hospital we were there alongside him.
My brother never leaves home without his phone and has been known to be on it even from the hospital bed texting and reading emails.  I knew that he was exhausted when I spoke to him Sunday morning as I could hear it in his voice so although I wanted to keep him on the phone just so that I knew everything was ok I encouraged him to rest.  When we got off the phone I cried for a few moments.  I felt angry that my brother was there when he should be here.  I was upset that he was alone because I knew that had he been at home this would never be the case.  I posted a comment on Facebook informing my friends who were not yet aware of what was going on.  The more prayers going forth on behalf of my brother the better.  I also shared his email address and let them know that if they would like to it might be nice to send him a message in hopes that he wouldn’t feel so alone as he laid there in the hospital bed and in my mind staring at an empty chair,  a chair that any other day would have been my mother, father, or my resting place.
I was so touched to learn that some of you carved out a moment of time in between football games, church, running errands, working on projects or however you spent your Sunday morning so that you could send words of love and encouragement to my brother.  Some of you have known Jason for as long as you have known me.  Some of you know his story and that he is a fighter.  Some of you know that he wasn’t supposed to live past two and yet this year he celebrated his 26th birthday!  Some of you have sat with me and my parents in the hospital waiting room waiting for him to come out of surgery and visited him during visiting hours, others have only seem him on occasion or in passing or perhaps never (seen him) at all but nevertheless because of your love for me and my family took the time.
Acts of kindness and compassion no matter how small make our time here on earth so much sweeter and sometimes it is so much easier to fight when you know there are people cheering for you and praying that you pull through.  I am thankful for God’s grace and am thankful for his earthly angles that come in the form of friends, new friends, old friends, and virtual friends too.  Today I want to say to each of you who took the time:

{Golden Girls image from here.}

I hate Mondays and I joke at the fact that I have the nerve to write almost weekly posts titled “Happy Monday” (we’ll see how long I keep that up) but I’m thinking that I need to get over my grudge against Mondays because any day that we wake up is a good Grrrreat day and another chance to enjoy and make the most of this gift called LIFE!  Now this doesn’t mean that I will never complain when Monday rolls around it just means that at this moment things are back into perspective and will resist the urge to be anything but grateful.
So on that note again I say – Happy Monday and “thank you for being a friend”…
xo.  Kris

p.s.  A post by my Mr. is coming up.  So if you must go please do come back a little later and see what he was working on this summer.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Maria Forrester permalink
    September 19, 2011 8:44 am

    Krishann you just made me cry. Your words are always written so beautifully! I’m sorry you weren’t there with your brother but you’re right we do love you so it’s only right to spread the love to your entire family. Happy Monday and thank you for being a friend!

    • September 19, 2011 8:58 pm

      Thanks Maria…for everything. I don’t mean to make you cry 😦 hope you didn’t have puffy eyes at work 🙂 thank you again and just so that you’re aware I will be on the lookout for you so that I can collect my hug!

  2. September 20, 2011 6:12 pm

    Awww… Sometimes things like this make the internet feel just a little bit smaller, yes. That’s wonderful

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