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{Hers} A letter to my daughter

September 17, 2011

Dear Jalayla,

 It’s 6 am and I’m up.  I keep waiting to hear your footsteps as you make your way to our room so you can cuddle for a few moments before it’s time to officially begin our day or at least until your tummy starts growling but it’s Saturday and you’re still asleep.  You stayed up late laughing and playing with your daddy and when you came to hug me goodnight you told me you were tired and wanted to put your pajamas on.  You promised to come back and give me a kiss but when I saw you again your eyes were closed and you were in bed snoring.

 You are a few weeks into 2nd grade which has given me a few weeks to process the fact that whether I feel ready or not it’s happening right before my eyes and you my child are growing up. As I fought back tears driving away from dropping you off on your first day of school I reminded myself that this is not a sad time but a happy time.  You are safe, you are happy and you are growing which is what you, what we, are meant to do.  We aren’t meant to grow.   Since you’re in 2nd grade you kind of feel like a big kid but you still aren’t so big that you’ll pass on the opportunity to give me a parting hug and a kiss.  And believe me, I am savoring every moment of that.

You are my gift.  When I found out I was pregnant I was afraid that my life was literally coming to an end.  I was 19 and  knew better.  But once I knew of you I spent my days and nights dreaming of you.  Little did I know that my life was just beginning.  For 9 months you and I were inseparable and had a lot of time to talk, mostly me talking to you and you wiggling around and kicking your feet around in my belly.  You knew my dreams you knew what I wanted not only for my life but for yours and for us.  After you were born I took several months off from college to take care of you.  It was one of the most amazing times in my life watching you grow before my very eyes experiencing milestones, reading you stories and laying you on my chest and watching you peacefully slumber (you didn’t snore back then by the way).   Then I returned to school and you to daycare and later to the children’s center on my college’s campus.  When you got bigger you wanted to carry a backpack just like me, you wanted to do homework and you  would tell everyone that you went to college just like your mommy.  When I graduated you were there cheering for me as I walked across the stage.  Two years later you cheered again as I took a second walk this time to get my Masters degree.





I remember when you graduated kindergarten and how excited you were to had reached that milestone.  You worked so hard on your school projects, began reading us the bedtime stories, and excitedly told us about your day over dinner each night.  There were some days that you weren’t thrilled over the idea of going to school but by the time you got there you were usually back to yourself and what matters most is that you got through.  And look here we are 2 years later.

 I am thankful that you get to spend each day learning not just vocabulary and math but also life lessons.  I am thankful that you have teachers who are passionate about helping you reach your fullest potential.  You’ve been my cheerleader as I worked to get my education and now I am yours.  Like your teachers your daddy and I are committed to helping you reach your fullest potential after all it’s a team effort.  We will be there to cheer you on and support you at school events and make time to volunteer.  I notice how proud you feel when your parents are there supporting you and your school.  We will help you with reviewing your homework each night, talk about what you are learning and always make time for bedtime stories.  We will remind you that your very best is always enough because my child it is.  Remember that you are special and that there is no one like you. Remember to be kind and remember that God thinks your wonderful (we do too!).  On those days that may have been a little more difficult and you seem to lave lost a little of the pep in your step we will be there to listen and provide comfort.  We love you and are so proud to be your parents.  We will be there to support you, encourage you, believe in you, pray for you and help you grow into the amazing woman you will one day be. 


 {2nd grade}

And each morning as we say our goodbyes over hugs and kisses I will thank God that you are experiencing the gift of life and the gift of education.   I love you so much.  I love you forever and always.


4 Comments leave one →
  1. September 17, 2011 8:36 am

    This is such a touching letter to your daughter. The love and adoration you have for her is nothing short of beautiful.

  2. Jacqueline (Nana J) permalink
    September 17, 2011 9:41 am

    Here I go again crying. What you and Chris are giving and imparting into Jalayla is priceless. For she is a great gift from God unto the both of you for a season. Yes, she is fearfully and wonderfully made and of great value. May she always remember who she is and whose she is– not only her earthly parents who are there for her, but also that her Heavenly Father loves her with a pure and perfect love! I cherish every moment I spend with her because life is so fleeting and tomorrow is not promised. She is a beautiful fragrant flower that continues to blossom before our eyes.

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